2012 - 2013 Campaigns
23-06-2012 - Workshop Report
On Saturday, Monash University Industrial Design graduate Ali, Swinburne University Product Design Engineering student David and the team's primary logistics person Bruce worked throughout the day to progress Ali's and David's clay models. Ali's model will be scanned next week in order to produce a 3D CAD file in preparation for the next round of aerodynamic computer simulation. Despite Melbourne's bitterly cold weather and no heating in the workshop, the atmosphere was positive, with music playing on the team's sound system and smiles on members' faces.
The Aurora Solaris design has steadily progressed from early 2010 until today. Ali's original student work, done while he studied at Monash University in Caufield, is now the basis for a formal design project between Aurora and Swinburne University in Melbourne. This exciting industy-university partnership features professionals collaborating with students to develop a practical, two-seat solar-electric hybrid vehicle for everyday use.